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Raising awareness, competence and confidence of women in rural families of Armenia, their rights: consultations, seminars. Health protection: prevention and treatment.
The project goal is to change the mentality (worldview) of people of rural society, affirming in their consciousness the priority of law, a healthy lifestyle and the necessity to protect health.

The project will be implemented in rural communities of Ararat and Armavir regions in Armenia, where the social economic situation and living conditions are much poorer than in the cities. Because of large labour migration to other countries men return back home and very often transfer STD to the women. Not treated sexually transmitted infections or nonprofessional approach of the medical personnel of medical ambulatory in rural areas brings to the malfunction of the reproductive system of women which can affect their prospective to become a mother. Besides, based on national mentality the man is dominated in the family and they dictate their will in the family, which often leads to violent actions towards women. Families that live in rural areas, especially men, traditionally wish to have more boy children then girl children, in the result, women have a problem of enforced abortions by men. In rural areas women are not seen as decision-makers in the public sphere and are perceived to be dependent on men, and this engenders a lack of confidence among women.

The aim of this project is to identify potential beneficiaries to provide trainings to obtain the knowledge and information around the problems raised above.

Main activities are started with lectures, seminars and discussions.

  • Right to defend the dignity of women
  • Sexual and reproductive health rights
  • Eligibility for free medical care
  • Human rights, in particular women, guaranteed by the fundamental law of Armenia
  • Complications of non-treated sexually transmitted diseases, symptoms, safe sex
  • Forced gender-selective abortions.

Emphasis will be placed on the negative health and psychological consequences associated with induced abortion and trainers will discourage the use of abortion as a method of gender-selection and also will teach how to make own decision about abortion to try to avoid the men forced abortion.

The project will provide an effective and comprehensive approach for long-term change by focusing on improving women’s right knowledge, sexual and reproductive women’s rights, health-seeking behavior among community members of targeted communities, which is expected to continue after the project. The project will also improve the capacity of medical personnel at the targeted clinics and the population's overall health for the long term.

Sustainable development of the project idea will be ensured. The desire of rural women will increase in order to live more freely and in equality.

The online communication will be established between ambulatories of villages and “Maple Leafs” which will ensure easy assistance to women in all topics. All of the women will have the opportunity of receiving consultation (medical, psychological, lawyer) after the completion of the project and they will have enough confidence that they are not alone in this world.

In addition, there will be printed information materials on sexual and reproductive health rights, reproductive health, including the psychology of reproduction, on family planning, on prevention of STD, abortion and women’s right. These information materials will be distributed to women beneficiaries during peer education sessions and will be made available at local health clinics.

In the project the advocacy plan is scheduled to raise the awareness of the project by Radio broadcasts, on TV programs and social media.

The project’s idea: You have to be correct, free and responsible in everything. This project is only positive. We will start with our behavior to a small flower and we will end with our entire world.
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"For Humanity" Charitable Foundation, with the support of Canada Fund for local Initiatives (CFLI) and “Maple leafs” Armenian Canadian Medical Clinic is staring a project that aims to raise awareness, competence and confidence of women in rural families of Armenia, to inform them about their rights and their health protection. See more...
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